NZ04 – Blenheim

This time it’s a bit different, I’m staying at friend’s in Blenheim in the north-est of the South island. Middle-sized town (about 30,000 inhabitants), close from the sea and surounded by low mountains.

map_blenheimAfter 8 days in Kaikoura, I left doing some hitch-hiking and the 52nd car to pass by me stopped. It was driven by three wwoofers like me . I was lucky because they were going to the very place I was heading to (there’s no other town 200km around on this lonely road anyway).

Before I left, I’ve seen the seal puppies, and since it’s “sooooo cuuuuuute” here are the pictures (click to enlarge) :


Close Encounters of the Third Kind
It’s hard to tell in the background, but they were about fifty swimming, climbing on rocks and fighting like puppies
Can I haz cheezburger ?

I work in the morning at the vineyard and in the afternoon on a small building site, with Donald (I forbid you to laugh). I’m probably gonna stay a bit longer in this town since there’s some work for me.

Most of the vines here are grown on wires and spare, so the grapes can be collected by a machine
Work in progress – turning a garage into a dancing room
I’ll never get used to driving on the left side of the road… Hopefully I’m not the one driving
Panororama – The view from the vineyard, between sea and mountain like in France (was it worth it traveling 20,000km ?!?!)

Only disavantage here : the whole family speaks french. But it’s a relief for my brain.


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